About me

Hello! I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the MIT CSAIL working with Professor Daniela Rus, since Jan 2023. My current work at CSAIL is centered on the development of tendon-driven soft robots utilizing computational co-design framework. Before joining MIT, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Soft Robotic Research Center (SRRC) in Seoul National University (SNU), working with Professor Kyu-jin Cho (Department of Mechanical engineering, SNU).

I believe the true allure of engineering is its ability to leverage technology to improve human lives. With this belief as my driving force, I am dedicated to developing assistive soft robots that can be used in the real world beyond the laboratory with my expertise that lies in three key areas: 1) under-actuation mechanisms, 2) tendon transmission, and 3) the design of soft robots.

As a robot hardware designer, my primary focus revolves around answering the question: “What constitutes a good design for soft robot?” To address this question, I am currently directing my efforts towards developing: 1) a hybrid rigid-soft robot design approach, 2) a design framework that balances usability and functionality while minimizing the number of actuators required, and 3) a computational co-design approach.

I recognize that the successful development of practical assistive robots necessitates the convergence of multidisciplinary knowledge. Therefore, I am eagerly looking forward to collaborating with researchers from diverse fields to bring about these advancements.

You can check my detail informations on my about page; you can also find my bio here. Further, please look for my research page and publication page for details of my research. For any inquires, you can reach me via email: bckim@mit.edu.

CV can be downloaded from here.